Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yes Men Blog

Although there may be fallacies, I think it is interesting that they are able to choose the angles they want and are able to tell people what they want them to know.  They can find things that they think the masses should know and are not being told and give them an angle that some may not have wanted to be covered.
I think that some a negative side to the Yes Men would be people who would think it was real and buy into it whole heartedly, and then they may be disappointed later on.
The media can be a very big problem today, especially with television and the internet.  Television news channels can be biased in the news they dish out just like the Yes Men, and although it may be easy to find a news channel that fits your slant it is important to just get the facts and determine their meaning as you choose without someone doing it for you.  The internet is a bigger problem than television now.  It is extremely easy to find false articles about any topic and mistake them for truth.  
I think in regards to our radio project, it would not be a good idea to do what the Yes Men did, especially with the type of non-fact-checking student run newspapers that may or may not be affiliated with the university that are present in our broadcasting radius.  However, it may be interesting and cruel to see if and how much we could get people to believe.  As it becomes more and more necessary to nail down our projects and get them done, I think it will be interesting to see what my band thinks about this idea and what others bands will do.

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