Saturday, November 1, 2008

Chase's Blog

I would first of like to suck up a bit and say that Chorus of Stones is one of my new favorite books.  As I read this book more and research more about it, it is changing the way I view the world.  My analysis of everyday events and people's actions has changed very drastically.  As I sat on the bus today a Jehovah's witness approached me with a pamphlet to read.  After reading the pamphlet I couldn't help but question religion as a whole.  As I sat and thought about the pamphlet, ideas from Chorus of Stones popped into my mind.  What makes the secrets of the German's or others different than those of the people who have formed religious texts and religions.  Catholic corruption came to mind, and although it may not be a problem now, I can't help but wonder how much of the truth is hidden and unknown.  I usually am not a very deep thinker but that is changing slowly and I can't help but analyze ideas and people on a daily basis.  The city bus is an interesting place to think about the concept of repressed secrets.  Looking at people on the bus and thinking about what is going on inside their heads, what has happened to them in their life, why they dress the way they do, what secrets they are pushing down and when will it all come to the periphery.  Reading Jordan's comments on the correlation between von Braun and the underground railroad is interesting to me, although von Braun and the slaves are on opposite sides of the spectrum, they are still hiding and wanting to escape through safe passage.  Such horrific things such as slavery and Nazi Germany are easy to analyze in relation to each other, but I find the most interesting application of the concepts in Chorus of Stones is to the very basic things we as humans look over, such as religion and daily human actions.

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