Saturday, November 1, 2008

We talked a lot this week about secrets and while we all have them it is important to realize as well that we all discover them. I knew very little of Werner von Braun prior to Griffin’s Chorus of Stones yet I feel as though I have always been interested in World War II technology especially that which was thought of as “classified”. We spoke moderately about government secrets but perhaps not to the extent which was necessary to gain an advanced appreciation. What is sexier or more intriguing than a spy story or a government cover-up/conspiracy? What event garnered more attention for espionage than World War II and the resulting Cold War which followed? I think the awesome involvement of so many forces (and therefore secrets) intensifies our interest in fully understanding all the aspects of this haunting event. This brings me to my posted picture which is von Braun late in his life. Since chorus of stones I have been incessantly researching the influential scientist on the web. I even purchased a biography on the German with the byline, Dreamer of Space; Engineer of War. Something about von Braun’s flee to the United States reminds me of those slaves who used the Underground Railroad for save passage to the North. The mysterious nature of both events correlates to Griffin’s point that somehow the secrets of humanity become our own and in that sense become alive with an ability to evolve over time. When I think of von Braun or slaves secretly fleeing in the night I am overcome with a sense excitement that can only be compared to the urgency one is overcome with when a revelation demands our immediate action. I am overcome with a feeling my actions can change history. I am overcome with a feeling that I am alive.

-Jordan Diaz

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