Saturday, December 6, 2008

Chase Final Blog

"The philosophers have already perceived the world in various ways; the point is to change it." -Karl Marx

If there is anything this class has imprinted upon me, it is the necessity to analyze and decipher for one's self.  Coming into ENG1131 was different than leaving it now.  I think the quote above explains the need to be original, truly original, or as original as one can get in order to change something about the world.  Barthes was an individual in his his analysis of image music and text and that is why we study him.  He analyzes these three things and more to a degree that had not been uncovered yet. 

Finding time for the project has been my biggest struggle lately, it's been a crazy couple weeks and it is not slowing down unfortunately, but hey that's what it's all about I guess. I am really interested to see, or hear our final project because right now it is all about to come together.  I am glad that we did the radio project, even though it has been a struggle, I am enjoying learning how to use Audacity.

I say this all the time but, it is safe to say that our group is easily the best group, although some may argue, we know the truth.  I find it funny that the three, now four, of us were put together because we get along so well.  I have enjoyed working together and have had a lot of fun throughout the semester.  It is sad to see such a good class be over, but the world's gotta move on.  I hope we keep in touch and are successful.  Keep it real Jdog and Bribaby.

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