Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bridget Post: Its Almost Over... =)

As the semester winds down to an end and students rush to make their last grades their best ones, I sit here typing my last blog and feel kind of sad. Not because I haven't done the best I could possibly do this semester or because I am in fear of a bad grade. No, my sadness comes from the fact that there will be no more ENG1131. No more readings that I do not understand, yet once I get to class everything is all of a sudden clear to me. No I am not sucking up... I am actually really going to miss this class. I am going to miss the discussions that we have had about nearly everything under the sun, I am going to miss my classmates, I am going to miss Kate, but most importantly I am going to miss the constant influx of new knowledge that stemmed from outside the "normal" realms of education and caused me to think twice about nearly everything I have learned up until this point and everything I will learn later in life. I don't believe that any class that I have taken has affected more than this one. From being exposed to provocative literature like A Chorus of Stones and Family Secrets to watching powerful films like Night and Fog, this class has really been an opportunity to think on a level I probably never would have, if I didn't decide to take Writing Thru Media with Kate.

As for our final project, the only thing I can really say about it is that is another challenge that I am excited to be taking on and will be even more excited when my group and I overcome it.

To Chase: Thanks for being such a fabulous band mate!! You have a weird humor that I admire and a sort of undercover genius that have definitely helped to make our band one of the best!
To Jordan: Where do I start? You are simply awesome for reasons that have really helped get us through our band assignments. You too have a undercover genius and I am grateful to have been able to work with you.
To Thiago: Your are a new addition, but I welcome you just the same and appreciate your contributions to our radio project! You too, are awesome!

In a nutshell: Mindsight ROCKS!! Plain and Simple. =)

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