Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bridget Post: Its Almost Over... =)

As the semester winds down to an end and students rush to make their last grades their best ones, I sit here typing my last blog and feel kind of sad. Not because I haven't done the best I could possibly do this semester or because I am in fear of a bad grade. No, my sadness comes from the fact that there will be no more ENG1131. No more readings that I do not understand, yet once I get to class everything is all of a sudden clear to me. No I am not sucking up... I am actually really going to miss this class. I am going to miss the discussions that we have had about nearly everything under the sun, I am going to miss my classmates, I am going to miss Kate, but most importantly I am going to miss the constant influx of new knowledge that stemmed from outside the "normal" realms of education and caused me to think twice about nearly everything I have learned up until this point and everything I will learn later in life. I don't believe that any class that I have taken has affected more than this one. From being exposed to provocative literature like A Chorus of Stones and Family Secrets to watching powerful films like Night and Fog, this class has really been an opportunity to think on a level I probably never would have, if I didn't decide to take Writing Thru Media with Kate.

As for our final project, the only thing I can really say about it is that is another challenge that I am excited to be taking on and will be even more excited when my group and I overcome it.

To Chase: Thanks for being such a fabulous band mate!! You have a weird humor that I admire and a sort of undercover genius that have definitely helped to make our band one of the best!
To Jordan: Where do I start? You are simply awesome for reasons that have really helped get us through our band assignments. You too have a undercover genius and I am grateful to have been able to work with you.
To Thiago: Your are a new addition, but I welcome you just the same and appreciate your contributions to our radio project! You too, are awesome!

In a nutshell: Mindsight ROCKS!! Plain and Simple. =)

Chase Final Blog

"The philosophers have already perceived the world in various ways; the point is to change it." -Karl Marx

If there is anything this class has imprinted upon me, it is the necessity to analyze and decipher for one's self.  Coming into ENG1131 was different than leaving it now.  I think the quote above explains the need to be original, truly original, or as original as one can get in order to change something about the world.  Barthes was an individual in his his analysis of image music and text and that is why we study him.  He analyzes these three things and more to a degree that had not been uncovered yet. 

Finding time for the project has been my biggest struggle lately, it's been a crazy couple weeks and it is not slowing down unfortunately, but hey that's what it's all about I guess. I am really interested to see, or hear our final project because right now it is all about to come together.  I am glad that we did the radio project, even though it has been a struggle, I am enjoying learning how to use Audacity.

I say this all the time but, it is safe to say that our group is easily the best group, although some may argue, we know the truth.  I find it funny that the three, now four, of us were put together because we get along so well.  I have enjoyed working together and have had a lot of fun throughout the semester.  It is sad to see such a good class be over, but the world's gotta move on.  I hope we keep in touch and are successful.  Keep it real Jdog and Bribaby.