Friday, September 12, 2008

Chase Blog 1

Creating the blog turned out to be a lot easier than expected. I was expecting to have to type in HTML codes and create it from scratch, but when our group met, Bridget already had the template up and on the site with our group picture already in place. I think the group picture is a comedic take on the education system today, and in a way reflects some aspects of society. I chose my individual image because it connects through the idea of education but also comments on where a majority of our generations aspirations lie. Many young people still pursue a college degree, but in a subconscious or maybe even conscious way, they would trade it all for fame and fortune. If one were so lucky to rise to fame, I seriously doubt he would choose to finish his schooling. The american dream has taken on new aspects in our culture today, the media has change every facet of our lives in some way and controls the masses. I guess the point I am trying to get across is that while continuing education is still a main choice many in this country choose, the aspirations of today's youth do not lie in learning to be a chemical engineer, physicist, or botanist; most aspire to fame and glory.
Looking through electracy, my image portrays how easy it is in our culture today to be into so many things. Ordinary people are able to publish whatever they want in blogs, have their own websites, publish papers and studies, and put their own music in circulation on the web. With reality shows taking up most of the air time, youtube videos, myspace, and facebook anyone can be a star. American culture is evolving into another entity to adapt to the technological changes and it is apparent through what we see in the media.

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

I am, of course, reminded of that illustrious character Short-Round's awed whisper of "fortune and glory"--think Indiana Jones. I wonder what you make of this desire for fame? Is this new? Of course, I can't help but think of Paris Hilton...the famous who are famous for being famous. Do we all want this kind of fame? Something else?