Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chase Blog 3

After reading from Work to Text I was even more confused about the subject matter, but once the lovely ladies of Band 1 explained it to me, it became more clear.  When just merely looking at the words Work and Text, one would think the work is made up of the text, however, he would be wrong.  Text is much more than writing, it is a collaborative abstract that cannot be pinned down.
The image I chose for this entry can be easily interpreted if you were present for the throwing of the yarn during Band 1's lecture.  I chose the image because I feel it represents each of the threads of yarn that we threw.  Sound, touch, language, and the multi colored 'anything' yarn are all represented in this image.  The sound of the water and the storm, the touch of the hand, the words mixing with the sky and anything else than can be connoted from the image. 
The image is a work of art but the connotations from it go beyond just a physical thing.  This image does have an author and was a conscious creation but at the same time the author's unconscious is coming through and the meaning expands beyond just an image. The image is structured but the connotations can take any form in the inspirations the viewer gets from it.
A text is so hard to pinpoint just like a feeling is sometimes from an image you view, as Kate said in lecture, you know it is there but you just can't grasp it.  When I think about text in this abstract way that is how I feel, I can understand what Text is or is supposed to be, but I can't fully grasp the whole text because it is always changing and mixing and weaving through my subconscious and evolving into new ideas.

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

Yes, that yarn experiment did help to clarify, didn't it? I like this image? Where did it come from?